Friday, 27 September 2013

"Coward is never born but made 1."

Enjoying the bask beneath the sun,I was disturbed by the noise of few people.
They were arguing on,  that who is the most coward among them all
and so
 decided to come up to a task to touch a dog which was laying  under a tree nearby.
All were trying to tug one another but none even attempted ,as they were so frightened to hardly approach it.Although dog looked calm and innocuous.They all laughed at each other and thought it is too silly and dangerous.

Just then a small child who maybe of one or two years old got near to the dog and slide his hand over it's face.
This whole thing staggered me.It was the same dog with same expression but no adult had nerve to even get close to it.I was confused and and went back home in daze.

"It was that time it came to my mind that we have been coward"

We all were once kids,but not frightened at that time then why are we now.
Does this fear and Coward's comes with birth or the environment and social life surrounding us ,has manipulated our behaviour and thoughts or is it natural to change as we develop.And how come same person disguise himself.
'What happened to those formative years where we learn to face every challenge bravely and without fear.'

To be courageous does not mean we should not take considerations deliberately but at least give it a try."Well it would be foolish enough to put your hands in fire to prove that you are brave",but flee from your place when fire is in another anther town is stupidity.
To analyse this more I brought a toy beer and fitted a red coloured led inside it which off and glow continuously.I then went to a nursery school and placed it on a table so that it is easily visible.Why was I not surprised seeing that almost every child literally tried to reach towards it.
To try it on adults ,I went to my office and dropped the same toy on the floor.Their reaction towards it are indescribable.For a few moment everyone looked it with suspicion and later called our head in charge,but nobody tried to touch it or get even close.Employees started making assumption about what it could be.I was astonished when someone asked to call the cops as it could be a bomb.
"What thing spur those kids and what is daunting these adults"I don't know,but this incident was enough to prove that
"No child in this world was born coward but is made one"

But the question still lies ,why?


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